Conducting Tips
Sometimes, conducting isn't as straightforward as it seems.
Conducting Hunt Trains involves adapting to changing circumstances, such as how many passengers are on the train, whether an S-Rank spawns on the same world during the train, the demand for hunt currencies during the patch cycle, and even more!
The speed of a hunt train depends on the conductor's personal preference, or adapting to how fast the marks are dying due to high attendance.
Bullet (or Fast) Trains
Bullet trains are going to mark to mark without pause.
First mark -> next mark -> next mark -> and so on...
These are typically fast trains. They are recommended if marks are dying slowly.
Non-Bullet Trains
Sometimes, the conductor will want to direct people to an Aetheryte upon changing zones to wait for everyone to load in.
First mark in zone -> second mark in zone -> Aetheryte in next zone -> next mark -> next mark...
This method is often used during times of high attendance and congestion, to give most people a fair shot at getting credit.
Meeting at an Aetheryte has different names depending on which Data Center you are on:
Rally Points
Pit Stops
How long should I wait at the Aetheryte for everyone to load in during congested trains?
One method used to determine how long to wait for everyone to load in at an Aetheryte in a zone is to teleport from the previous zone last. You would shout the flag for the next teleport location, wait for everyone that you can see to teleport away, then teleport in yourself. Keep in mind that people have different load times. Just because you have teleported in last, does not mean that everyone has arrived to the zone.
Another method is to wait at the Aetheryte and watch people load in and wait until you don't see anyone else load in for a while.
You can do a combination of either method above.
Periods of High Attendance
Trains often get high attendance during major patch drops for the following reasons:
New savage tier and players wish to earn new tome gear as soon as possible
New relic weapons require tomes
Tome augment items are available to purchase through Sacks of Nuts
Derailing for S-Ranks
Sometimes, an S-Rank will spawn on the same world during the train. Some train riders would like to get the rewards for the S-Rank as well. As a conductor, be sure to set expectations on whether or not you will derail to the S-Rank.
Many conductors will derail an EW or SHB train for EW or SHB S-Ranks, and ignore all other S-Ranks. However, it's entirely up to you where to direct the train.
How to Derail
Once you have received notification of the S-Rank, share the flag of the S-Rank in shout chat if you are not currently attacking a mark. You may remind train riders that they should wait before attacking if there is a pull time set.
After the S-Rank has died, wait a second to see if minions have spawned for the SS-Rank event. Once you are sure everything is done, direct the train to the next mark or Aetheryte.
Dealing with Disconnects
If you disconnect from the game, or your game crashes, be sure to let someone know that you've crashed and are working to get back on.
Unfortunately, your chat does not remain after your game closes, so you may need to retrieve flags from someone else, or use maps from one of the scouting tools to manually generate flags in-game. If you are referencing maps from a scouting tool, you will have to eyeball where the A-Rank location is.
It's always a good idea to keep a back-up of scouts in case this happens.
Sometimes, zone instances will be implemented to alleviate congestion. This means that the trains will have extra marks! It also means that you will have to specify which instance you are going to.
When you change instances at the Aetheryte, you can see how many people are in each instance.
Watching this window can help you know how much of the train has made it into the correct instance.
Last updated