✏️Recording Force

In order to keep track of when the A-Ranks will spawn again, conductors will record when the marks died during the train. Please refer to A-Rank Windows for precise timings.

How your specific world keeps track of train force times may vary.

Posting a Time Stamp on Discord

If there is a Discord server and channel where train coordination is done, you may take the time of death of the last mark of the train, add 6 hours, and post the time there. You can use the Date/Time Formatting Tool to display the timestamp across multiple users' time zones.

Reporting Times on Faloop

If you have a Faloop account with permissions, you may go to the A-Rank tab, click on an A-Rank, and push the "Died now" button. You may also use the up and down arrows to select a time that is not now. At the current moment, you can only do this one A-Rank at a time.

Reporting Times on Bear Tracker

You actually do not need to manually report on Bear Tracker if someone on your train is running 3rd-party apps with relays enabled. However, it's good to note that these might get automatically marked.

Last updated